A message from our CEO | How NewSchools is Leading in this Moment

Our Strategy

We’re embracing an optimistic outlook for the future of education. Although tomorrow’s challenges are uncertain, one thing is clear: a better future begins in our classrooms. Education fuels progress.

Our Priorities

Our new strategy builds on what works in education and funds new solutions to help students succeed in school and in life. We support early-stage organizations and new initiatives within existing organizations that work to improve outcomes for all students, particularly those furthest from opportunity — including students of color, those experiencing poverty, and those with learning differences. 

Over the next three years, we’re raising $100 million to invest in the following areas:

Innovative Schools

New innovative, public schools that support students to develop a strong academic foundation and skills needed for success in life

Learning Solutions

K-8 reading and math solutions that build foundational skills and personalize learning to support student success

Teaching Reimagined

Solutions that evolve how educators work, engage caregivers & community experts, and leverage genAI to make the role more sustainable and effective

Learning Differences

Enhance teaching and learning for students with diagnosed and undiagnosed learning disabilities within and beyond our three main focus areas.

Our Commitment to Community Engagement

We’re working with students, parents, educators, and researchers to ensure our investments are inclusive and impactful. All first-time investments will be informed by community leaders.