A message from our CEO | How NewSchools is Leading in this Moment


Frances Messano
Education is at a crossroads. Schools are facing tough decisions, policies are shifting rapidly, and recent data has uncovered an urgent opportunity for us to better support students in building the skills they need to succeed. For all of us to meet this moment, we must show bold leadership, decisive action, and a commitment to delivering results.
We’re excited to announce a new funding opportunity focused on GenAI math tutoring solutions built on specialized foundation models. This initiative focuses on cutting-edge math tutoring solutions that can increase accuracy, lower costs, and make personalized, high-quality learning accessible to all students. Through a grant opportunity of up to $300,000 that includes partnerships with top researchers, we will provide ventures with tailored technical assistance, product feedback, piloting and evaluation support. Applications are due by April 18, 2025.


Frances Messano
Here’s a look at some of the most interesting themes across our 2024 investing activity, as well as promising innovations that bring us closer to ensuring every student is prepared to thrive in school and in life.


Pete Fishman
America’s teachers face immense pressures, from high workloads to increasingly complex student needs, fueling a narrative of burnout and dissatisfaction.  But what if we could change the story? Through our Teaching Reimagined portfolio, we’re investing in a variety of solutions to a shared problem: how to make teaching a role where educators thrive – all in service of better outcomes for students furthest from opportunity.
NewSchools announces $10M in funding for visionary educators and innovators to transform public education. With a focus on reimagining what’s possible, NewSchools is committed to supporting leaders dedicated to creating new opportunities for students to thrive.
NewSchools Venture Fund today announced $13.4 million in funding for 54 ventures tackling some of the most pressing challenges in public education, from building innovative schools to rethinking how teachers work. This investment is part of NewSchools’ three-year strategy to create an education system that not only delivers for students today but also prepares them to lead and tackle the challenges of tomorrow. 


Mia Howard
Despite signs of academic recovery, new data reveals that public school students, especially younger ones, are significantly behind, with achievement gaps widening between low-income and affluent students. As school leaders urgently seek solutions, it’s worth asking: What if the answers have been right in front of us all along — in innovative public schools with exceptional results?


Pete Fishman
Learn why now is the time to reimagine teaching with innovative roles, AI, and new strategies to attract and retain a diverse, motivated educator workforce.
NewSchools Summit is a premier annual event for social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and education leaders. This year's theme, "Education Fuels Progress," focused on equipping attendees with hope, optimism, and actionable ideas to build an education system that delivers on its promise to all students.


Jason Atwood
Even as the shadows of the pandemic recede and schools invest heavily in recovery efforts, students across the country continue to navigate an array of obstacles. Supporting their academic, social, and emotional development remains paramount.


Cameron White
Uncertainty about the future of K-12 education has ignited a debate: Should schools prioritize research-based instruction or an engagement-first strategy that centers student enthusiasm and curiosity?


Frances Messano
Education is at a crossroads. Schools are facing tough decisions, policies are shifting rapidly, and recent data has uncovered an urgent opportunity for us to better support students in building the skills they need to succeed. For all of us to meet this moment, we must show bold leadership, decisive action, and a commitment to delivering results.


Frances Messano
In America, it remains all too predictable who gets a fair shot at life. Our education system should be a gateway to opportunity, yet it often acts as a barrier. While there's no shortage of committed leaders and bright spots in communities across the country, we have yet to move the baseline for everyone. 
NewSchools is in good company this year among peers in philanthropy and education who are celebrating milestone anniversaries or signaling deeper shifts in their strategy by announcing brand refreshes.
This month Bright Spots, a new live, interactive series hosted by NewSchools debuted on LinkedIn. We’re excited to connect with more education innovators and stakeholders in real-time and lift up what’s working during this time of rebuilding and reinvention in education.
NewSchools’ Racial Equity Council has selected a group of innovators to receive $1.5 million in funding. These innovators are disrupting racial inequities and advancing the wellbeing and achievement of students in Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities. 


Frances Messano
Even in normal times, raising money from philanthropy for a new organization or innovative idea is an arduous and intimidating process. But things aren’t normal right now, and for many innovators, fundraising feels harder than ever.
NewSchools Summit is a premier annual event for social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and education leaders. This year's theme, "Education Fuels Progress," focused on equipping attendees with hope, optimism, and actionable ideas to build an education system that delivers on its promise to all students.


Frances Messano
Earlier this month, my organization, NewSchools Venture Fund, gathered venture leaders, staff, funders, and supporters from every chapter of our history to celebrate twenty-five years of impact.
At NewSchools Summit 2022, more than 2,000 people pulled a seat up to our virtual table ready to reimagine education. Together we amplified powerful, innovative voices, and advanced our collective understanding of what’s possible in the education realm.
To build connections during our virtual Summit event in May, NewSchools asked a diverse group of innovators, policymakers, funders, and educators to share the books that helped them make sense of the world or simply inspired them this past year.


Frances Messano
Educators are preparing for a fall as their school communities — and the rest of the world — grapple with the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic anti-Black racial injustice. As a national nonprofit that supports and invests in promising teams of educators and innovators who want to reimagine learning, NewSchools is well-situated to help educators cope with the onrushing wave of change.
Watch full sessions from our 2019 Summit.


Frances Messano
Here’s a look at some of the most interesting themes across our 2024 investing activity, as well as promising innovations that bring us closer to ensuring every student is prepared to thrive in school and in life.


Pete Fishman
America’s teachers face immense pressures, from high workloads to increasingly complex student needs, fueling a narrative of burnout and dissatisfaction.  But what if we could change the story? Through our Teaching Reimagined portfolio, we’re investing in a variety of solutions to a shared problem: how to make teaching a role where educators thrive – all in service of better outcomes for students furthest from opportunity.


Pete Fishman
Learn why now is the time to reimagine teaching with innovative roles, AI, and new strategies to attract and retain a diverse, motivated educator workforce.


Cameron White
Uncertainty about the future of K-12 education has ignited a debate: Should schools prioritize research-based instruction or an engagement-first strategy that centers student enthusiasm and curiosity?
Ten years ago, Antoinette Banks was in Los Angeles navigating the educational system for her daughter with autism and ADHD. Her child, often seen through the lens of labels, was in reality brimming with untapped potential.


Frances Messano
If you're only seeing the negative headlines about education, you might be missing out on the inspiring stories of progress and potential in the field.


Jason Atwood
Even as the shadows of the pandemic recede and schools invest heavily in recovery efforts, students across the country continue to navigate an array of obstacles. Supporting their academic, social, and emotional development remains paramount.
Insights and actionable findings from three years of research on the specific social-emotional and school culture factors that matter most for academi...


Jason Atwood
Across the country, educators, policymakers, and innovators are urgently working to help schools recover from the academic and mental health impacts of Covid-19 and pandemic-related school closures. As they make the necessary investments and develop programs to accelerate student progress, it’s imperative to make decisions based on what works. 
Earlier this year, we released an analysis of the tools teachers said they were using most often in our 2019 survey with Gallup on “Education Technology Use in Schools.” In that analysis, we found that most teachers were using different digital learning tools, painting a picture of a highly-fragmented marketplace.
The education sector is in the midst of an overdue reckoning about its role in perpetuating systemic racism in this country, from curricula that perpetuates a Eurocentric worldview to an educator workforce that does not reflect the student population.
In 2019, NewSchools partnered with Gallup to release “Education Technology Use in Schools,” a comprehensive report to better understand ed tech’s perceptions and usage. This past summer, we conducted a follow-up survey of parents, teachers, and students to evaluate how ed tech’s engagement may be changing in the pandemic context.
EdWeek Market Brief Managing Editor Sean Cavanagh spoke recently with Messano about how her organization is trying to foster diversity within the industry through its investments, and what it will take to make progress across the broader K-12 market.
Participatory grantmaking: It isn’t a term that rolls off the tongue, and yet many people in the philanthropy world are talking about it these days. It describes the process of including community members in grantmaking decisions. As GrantCraft put it in a 2018 report, “participatory grantmaking cedes decision-making power about funding—including the strategy and criteria behind those decisions—to the very communities that funders aim to serve.”


Frances Messano
In response to the events of 2020 and the growing outrage over racial injustice, many philanthropies are unveiling new racial equity and diversity programs. So the recent strategy rollout by the NewSchools Venture Fund has a familiar ring: The organization committed $100 million in diverse leaders and innovators working in K-12 education, while doubling down on racial equity work.
Despite pressure from President Donald Trump for schools to offer in-person instruction this fall, many students in states such as California and in 17 of the 20 biggest school districts in the nation will start the year online.
With school starting in most places in a few weeks, school and network leaders are under tremendous pressure to finalize their reopening plans. With those leaders in mind, Bellwether just released a new planning resource that includes all of the components of a reopening plan, offers questions school leaders should address ...
Everyone likes to give their predictions at the start of a new year. And, while those prognostications are often fun and sometimes even accurate, our
We’re excited to announce a new funding opportunity focused on GenAI math tutoring solutions built on specialized foundation models. This initiative focuses on cutting-edge math tutoring solutions that can increase accuracy, lower costs, and make personalized, high-quality learning accessible to all students. Through a grant opportunity of up to $300,000 that includes partnerships with top researchers, we will provide ventures with tailored technical assistance, product feedback, piloting and evaluation support. Applications are due by April 18, 2025.
NewSchools announces $10M in funding for visionary educators and innovators to transform public education. With a focus on reimagining what’s possible, NewSchools is committed to supporting leaders dedicated to creating new opportunities for students to thrive.
NewSchools Venture Fund today announced $13.4 million in funding for 54 ventures tackling some of the most pressing challenges in public education, from building innovative schools to rethinking how teachers work. This investment is part of NewSchools’ three-year strategy to create an education system that not only delivers for students today but also prepares them to lead and tackle the challenges of tomorrow. 
NewSchools Venture Fund introduced Frances Messano as its new Chief Executive Officer today. In 2022, Messano was appointed as successor to outgoing CEO, Stacey Childress, who stepped down after an accomplished eight year tenure.
How can ed tech tools help students acquire a strong academic foundation and other mindsets, skills and habits they need for success? NewSchools is looking to find out. 
NewSchools Venture Fund is excited to announce funding opportunities are now open for two investment areas: Innovative Schools and Diverse Leaders.


Mia Howard
Despite signs of academic recovery, new data reveals that public school students, especially younger ones, are significantly behind, with achievement gaps widening between low-income and affluent students. As school leaders urgently seek solutions, it’s worth asking: What if the answers have been right in front of us all along — in innovative public schools with exceptional results?
Schools, students and families will need to work together in new and creative ways this fall as millions of students go back to school virtually. In n...
Based on knowledge developed through the Science Learning Ed Tech Challenge, “Promising Developments in Ed Tech for K-12 Science” is a summary report of...
The following is a synopsis on the current landscape of special education within U.S. public education. While realizing technology is the not the pana...
NewSchools Venture Fund commissioned research from Betsy Peters and Doug Roberts from Educational Solutions Consulting to (1) understand the key chara...
This research-backed toolkit is designed to help districts, and CIOs, make strategic decisions about their needs. Through research with school, policy...
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive program that encourages U.S. small businesses to engage in innovative re...
As part of our ed tech virtual accelerator program, NewSchools and WestEd co-developed an ed tech product review rubric that has been modified for eac...


Jason Atwood
As schools unveil their reopening plans for the fall, the need to address student and educator mental health and wellbeing must take priority, even before concerns about getting students caught up academically. Students will have a harder time learning and teachers will not be as effective if schools don’t tend to the trauma and stress that many of them lived through this past year. Here are three ways that your school can support students and educators when they return to school.


Stacey Childress
If there was ever a time to imagine a more equitable future for our young people, it’s now. We know that an excellent education is central to this vision and that we can’t get there without rethinking the educational approaches of the past.
In this virtual convening, Dr. Osnat Zur and Dr. Faith Polk, Senior Program Associates from WestEd, began with a review of the benefits and challenges...