Educational inequity? There must be an app for that.
Fired up by the challenges you see facing public education? Excited about the potential of technology to change the way we learn and work? Ready to do something about it? Bring your passion, ideas and entrepreneurial spirit to the EdTech Entrepreneurs Lab, a brand new program that Teach for America and NewSchools Venture Fund are […]
More video: supercharging student achievement
In this final set of videos from the NewSchools Summit 2010, speakers at the
Inventing the future: students and technology
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – computer scientist Alan Kay Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page were 21 and 22, respectively, when they started coding a new search engine. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was 20 when he launched the service from his Harvard dorm room. But the next generation of […]
Guest post: Time to get TEACHED
This guest post is from filmmaker Kelly Amis of Loudspeaker Films, who will be a speaker at NewSchools Summit 2010. TEACHED is her first film. Public education is supposed to be the great equalizer in America, but here we are in 2010 and our education system is almost perfectly designed to ensure some groups will never perform […]
Guest Post: Edu-Innovation, an Oxymoron?
As we edge closer to NewSchools Summit 2010, we will be featuring a series of guest blog posts from entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the sector, who will weigh in with ideas and suggestions related to the Summit theme. This first post is from Tom Vander Ark of public affairs firm Vander Ark/Ratcliff and private […]