Bridgespan’s Susan Colby: “All means all”

Bridgespan has posted Susan Colby’s presentation from the NewSchools Summit 2010, in which she implored the audience “to focus relentlessly on the destination of all children having the means to achieve their dreams.” The remarks surveyed what education entrepreneurs have accomplished and what lies ahead, and kicked off a session on what it will take […]

Braving a new policy world

If the entrepreneurial education movement was a person, what would it want to be when it grew up? This short video – which debuted at the

Recognizing innovation and impact: the NewSchools Summit 2010 Awards

While much of the NewSchools Summit focuses on charting a path forward and taking a hard, critical look at the challenges and opportunities for this community in the future, it is also an occasion to celebrate the tremendous achievements of the education reform community. As such, NewSchools recognizes individuals and organizations that, through their embodiment of the spirit of […]

Breakout Session #2: Messages, Media, and Mindshare

As Walter Isaacson shared with the audience during the morning session at the NewSchools Summit, the world needs more storytellers – it has plenty of preachers. In the afternoon, participants dug into effective storytelling, particularly in terms of what it takes to enlist ambassadors as evangelists for a shared message and to engage the media. […]

The Secretary and the Chairman: A conversation with Arne Duncan and George Miller

Attendees at the NewSchools Summit 2010 were treated to a special conversation between Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Representative George Miller, and NewSchools CEO Ted Mitchell.  The lively conversation covered the topical Investing In Innovation Fund (application deadline is this afternoon!), Race to the Top funding, special education, financing college, teacher training, and much more. […]

Guest post: Going to NewSchools

This guest post comes from Andrew Rotherham of Bellwether Education Partners, the voice behind the must-read education blog and a prolific writer whose columns and articles regularly appear in U.S. News & World Report and many other publications. I’ve been lucky enough to attend NewSchools Summits pretty much since they started. [Editor’s note: we checked, and as of […]

Teaching as Entrepreneurship?

Over lunch at the NewSchools Community of Practice event this afternoon, Teach For America’s Steven Farr, author of

Guest post: Closing the Achievement Gap – The Edupreneur Way

This guest post was written by  Ellen Winn of the Education Equality Project, a national, bipartisan advocacy organization dedicated to closing the achievement gap. The recent death of achievement-gap closing hero Jaime Escalante (whose story was brought to life via the film “Stand and Deliver”) has got me thinking anew about how we can close […]