Guest Post: Beware interest-group-itis
Our latest guest blog post comes from Michael Petrilli of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, who has logged time in both the public sector (at the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement) and the private sector (as a VP at K12, an online learning company). The entrepreneurial sector in education is right […]
Guest Post: Edu-Innovation, an Oxymoron?
As we edge closer to NewSchools Summit 2010, we will be featuring a series of guest blog posts from entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the sector, who will weigh in with ideas and suggestions related to the Summit theme. This first post is from Tom Vander Ark of public affairs firm Vander Ark/Ratcliff and private […]
Lights, Camera, Action!
Education entrepreneurs are featured in several upcoming documentaries.
Check out the trailer for The Lottery, directed by Madeline S
NewSchools Summit 2010: Let the Countdown Begin!
Welcome to the brand new NewSchools Summit Web site! We hope this site helps you navigate our flagship annual event before, during and after the in-pe
A new way of doing something
Innovation may refer to incremental, radical, and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. A distinction is typically made between invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully. (Wikipedia) It’s more than just departing from the status quo, and beyond mere experimentation. It’s easy to call to mind breakthrough innovations that have […]