NewSchools Summit 2010 Session Overview and Video: Scaling Impact: Answering the Administration’s Call

Session Description:

This last year has been unprecendented for education entrepreneurs, with the federal government increaing funding available to innovative nonprofits, engaging social innovators in the development of policy, and highlighting the work of entrepreneurs as proof points to be emulated. This plenary explored two related sets of questions: First, how will these innovative ideas, models and policies expand and get stronger so that more children and communities can benefit? Second, what will the broader results of this change look like a decade from now, and what path will the movement need to take in order to spark that systemic change in public education?  


  • James Willcox, Chief Executive Officer, Aspire Public Schools

Opening Presentor:

  • Susan Colby, Partner, The Bridgespan Group


  • Stig Leschly, Partner, Newark Charter School Fund (moderator)
  • Larry Berger, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Wireless Generation
  • Alexandra Bernadotte, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Beyond 12 (formerly CollegeSUCCESS)
  • Eva Moskowitz, Chief Executive Officer, Success Charter Network
  • Jon Schnur, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, New Leaders for New Schools

Closing Presenter:


Part 1: In this video, James Willcox, Chief Executive Officer of Aspire Public Schools, reflects on the Secretary of Education’s call for entrepreneurs to help ensure children across the country have access to excellent schools. Next, Willcox introduces Susan Colby, Partner at the Bridgespan Group. Colby tells the audience, “Great schools and great teaching can eradicate the effects of poverty in terms of student achievement.”

Part 2: In this video, Colby continues her discussion of the history of the education reform movement.

Part 3: In this video, moderator Stig Leschly introduces the panel and begins the discussion by asking them to prioritize the next generation of education entrepreneurial organizations. Panelists Eva Moskowitz and Alex Bernadotte weigh in on what they would invest in if they were funders.

Part 4: In this video, Larry Berger and Jon Schnur talk about what entrepreneurial efforts they would invest in.

Part 5: In this video, moderator Stig Leschly asks panelists to comment on recent mixed results from charter schools and what that means for efforts to expand charter school authorization. Next, Leschly asks panelists about how federal funding initiatives are impacting the education reform movement.

Part 6: In this video, panelists continue the discussion on how the Obama Administration’s federal funding initiatives will impact education entrepreneurs. Next, Leschly asks panelists to weigh in on their philosphy of change. Should entrepreneurial organizations work cooperatively or competitively with districts to effect systemic change?

Part 7: In this video, panelists continue their discussion on how best to bring about the changes they feel necessary for America’s children.

Part 8: In this video, NewSchools Partner Jonathan Schorr thanks the panel and introduces District of Columbia Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee. Rhee shares her hopes for how the NewSchools Summit will energize the audience to continue fighting for the nation’s children. “Go hard or go home,” she tells the crowd.

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