Live From Summit 2016: Expanding the Definition of Student Success

Chris Gabrieli and Sara Bartolino Krachman, who are co-founders of Transforming Education, led this session in partnership with Adam Carter, the Chief Academic Officer of Summit Public Schools.

Together they explored the importance of equipping students with the mindsets, essential skills, and habits (MESH) necessary to succeed. Chris and Sara shared research driving a growing number of national and international education systems to embrace an expanded definition of student success.  Additionally, the trio shared new approaches that school systems can use to assess and develop students’ mindsets and skills at scale, including examples from Summit Public Schools.

Chris, Sara and Adam offered thes practical steps for how educators can move their schools forward on expanding the definition of student success:

  • Provide supports for teachers and students, for example through establishing programs or sharing resources.
  • Put standards in place to measure effectiveness.
  • Use data-driven feedback loops to continue improving school programs and practices.