New investments… and a new video!

[vimeo w=500&h=281] Back in September, we made a promise that if 150,000 people pledged to see the movie Waiting for “Superman”, we would invest $5 million in entrepreneurial organizations that improve public education for low-income kids. The movie gets viewers outraged—as they should be—at the fact that in some communities, a quality education is […]

NewSchools Community of Practice 2010 Session Overview and Video: Making Innovation Happen

Session Description: “Innovation generally does not emerge from a visionary individual holed up in a laboratory,” argues NewSchools co-founder Kim Smith in a recent paper. “A wide variety of stakeholders need to play a role and be effectively interconnected in an innovation ecosystem or cycle.” Discussants engaged in a lively conversation focused on putting innovation […]

NewSchools Community of Practice 2010 Session Overview and Video: Lunchtime Discussion: Teaching As Leadership Meets Teach Like a Champion

Session Description: Regardless of how advanced the technology innovation, the demand for high-quality teachers remains strong. Great teaching doesn’t happen by chance, nor does it happen at scale without a strong strategy and structure underlying it. Audience members joined this lunchtime session for a dialogue about this important topic with the authors of two new […]

NewSchools Summit 2010 Session Overview and Video: Breakout #1: District and State Partnership — Boon or Detriment for Entrepreneurship?

Session Description*: This session featured a spirited Oxford-style debate to argue the statement: Resolved: Entrepreneurs and systems must partner in order to achieve widespread improvement. The panel and audience examined whether partnerships with districts and states are necessary for the success of entrepreneurial education organizations and ideas. Are these partnerships critical for the system-wide advancement […]

NewSchools Summit 2010 Session Overview and Video: Breakout #3: Political Savvy: Guidebook for a New Landscape

Session Description: For many entrepreneurs, a singular focus on achieving excellent results has been a successful–and sufficient–strategy politically. But with increased visibility and scale comes an increased need to confront the politics of this work head-on. What does it mean to be politically savvy on this new landscape? An accomplished panel with expertise from government […]

NewSchools Summit 2010 Session Overview and Video: Breakout #4: Schools Hit the Big Screen: Influencing the Public Mindset

Session Description: During 2010, several films about public education will come to a theater near you, including “Waiting For Superman,” directed by Davis Guggenheim, who won an Oscar for his global warming documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth.” This breakout session allowed participants to engage with documentarians and featured education entrepreneurs about how filmmakers have approached telling […]

NewSchools Summit 2010 Session Overview and Video: Scaling Impact: Answering the Administration’s Call

Session Description: This last year has been unprecendented for education entrepreneurs, with the federal government increaing funding available to innovative nonprofits, engaging social innovators in the development of policy, and highlighting the work of entrepreneurs as proof points to be emulated. This plenary explored two related sets of questions: First, how will these innovative ideas, […]

NewSchools Summit 2010 Session Overview and Video: Welcome and Opening Remarks

Summit Description: Education entrepreneurs’ intense efforts over the past decade and a half have yielded promising results, demonstrating how innovative thinking and fierce dedication can change the lives of children from underserved communities. These accomplishments have only been possible through the collaboration of entrepreneurs working across professional boundaries to end the inequality that blunts the […]