A new website!
To say that your website is your calling card in the digital age is to use a metaphor that’s either archaic or very deeply retro.
But it’s t
The cover of…Failure Magazine?
“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all-in which case, you fail by default.” — JK Rowling, in a speech to Harvard graduates A whole lot of years ago, when I was a junior in college studying sociology, I […]
Rich Crandall Wants to Help You Discover Your Inner Innovator
It’s not often that you’re told to embrace mistakes, but that’s one message that Rich Crandall likes to give everyone he meets. Rich is the K-12 Lab Director at Stanford’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (aka the d.school), where courses and classes are based on a process called “design thinking.” According to fans of this […]
Reimagining education
How would your students reimagine education? Calling all public school students/recent graduates: how would you “re-imagine education”? Education leaders and the press have a lot to say on what needs to be “fixed” about public schools—paying teachers based on how their students perform, better use of technology, smaller classes, more money—but what do students think? […]
Early Bird Catches the Worm
With Summit 2011 two months away, we’d like to remind all invited guests to register before this early-bird (seagull!) special flies away on March 25th! This year’s Summit offers participants more opportunities to connect one-on-one and in small groups. That’s just one of the ways Summit 2011 will look different from past events. Here are […]
Summit 2011: What’s New? What’s Next?
The first NewSchools Summit took place in Silicon Valley in October 1999. That gathering brought together 200 education entrepreneurs to learn from ea
More Summit 2010 session videos now available
At the NewSchools Summit in Washington, D.C. in May, the day started o
Now available: videos from NewSchools Summit 2010 general sessions
Were you paying attention at the NewSchools Summit in DC this spring? Think you know who makes what plea to the entrepreneurial education movement? Th
Bridgespan’s Susan Colby: “All means all”
Bridgespan has posted Susan Colby’s presentation from the NewSchools Summit 2010, in which she implored the audience “to focus relentlessly on the destination of all children having the means to achieve their dreams.” The remarks surveyed what education entrepreneurs have accomplished and what lies ahead, and kicked off a session on what it will take […]
NewSchools Summit 2010 in a thousand words or less
Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but this one only hints at the range of conversation that took place between the Secretary (of Education) and the Chairman (of the House’s HELP committee) in one of the most talked-about sessions at NewSchools Summit 2010 last month. We’ve uploaded this photo and many others from NewSchools Summit 2010 as […]