On Friday, July 15, at 5:00 pm, participants of the Teach For America-NewSchools Venture Fund EdTech Entrepreneurs Lab, a program designed to seed innovative ideas among professional leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs with a passion for education, will present their designs for truly innovative ventures that help close the achievement gap at a systemic level.
Throughout this initiative, a particular emphasis has been placed on utilizing the power of technology to fuel solutions. Participants have had access to top resources in the education and technology fields – including workshops designed by the Stanford Institute of Design’s K12 Lab – as they’ve developed game-changing, technology-based solutions that target educational inequity.
EdTech Entrepreneurs Lab participants in partnership with Teach For America, NewSchools Venture Fund, and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University.
Featuring the following judges:
Larry Kubal, Labrador Ventures
Farb Nivi, Grockit
Miriam Rivera, ULU Ventures
Ethan Beard, Facebook
Mitch Kapor, Kapor Capital
Neeru Khosla, CK-12 Foundation
Geoff Ralston, Imagine K12
Dave Whorton, Tugboat Ventures
Afterparty entertainment provided by:
Coverflow, band members include: Mayfield Fund VC, Raj Kapoor, Norwest VC, Tim Chang, Facebook’s Ethan Beard and Prashant Fuloria, and Blippy’s Philip Kaplan.
Friday, July 15, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Stanford d. School
Building 550
550 Panama Mall
Stanford, CA 94305
RSVP: [email protected]
Teach For America
Teach For America is the national corps of outstanding recent college graduates who commit to teach for two years in urban and rural public schools and become lifelong leaders in expanding educational opportunity. This fall, 9,300 corps members will be teaching in 43 regions across the country, while nearly 24,000 Teach For America alumni continue working from inside and outside the field of education for the fundamental changes necessary to ensure educational excellence and equity. For more information, visit http://www.teachforamerica.org.
NewSchools Venture Fund
NewSchools Venture Fund seeks to transform public education through powerful ideas and passionate entrepreneurs so that all children – especially those in underserved communities – have the opportunity to succeed. As a national nonprofit venture philanthropy firm, NewSchools supports education entrepreneurs, a special breed of innovators who create new nonprofit and for-profit organizations that redefine our sense of what is possible in public education. Founded in 1998, NewSchools has invested in more than 40 nonprofit and for-profit organizations and raised nearly $180 million. NewSchools takes an active role with each venture in our portfolio to help them create sustainable organizations that generate breakthrough results at scale for the students they serve. In addition to this direct support to entrepreneurs, NewSchools also connects their work to the broader public education reform movement to catalyze systems change. For more information, visit https://www.newschools.org/.
Teach For America media contact:
Masharika Maddison
Regional Communications Director
[email protected]
NewSchools Venture Fund media contact:
Joe Ventura
Senior Communications Manager
[email protected]