Now available: videos from NewSchools Summit 2010 general sessions

Were you paying attention at the NewSchools Summit in DC this spring? Think you know who makes what plea to the entrepreneurial education movement? Then match the speaker with the memorable quote:

1. “No more Mister Nice Guy.”
2. “All means all.”
3. “The challenge before you now is to make these extraordinary successes a little less extraordinary.”
4. “Go hard or go home.”

A. Susan Colby, Bridgespan Group
B. Chancellor Michelle Rhee, District of Columbia Public Schools
C. Kevin Chavous, Center for Education Reform
D. Secretary Arne Duncan, U.S. Department of Education

To find out the answers to these and many other questions, watch the newly posted video clips from the general sessions from this year’s Summit, including the welcome & opening remarks, a panel on scaling impact, a conversation between Secretary Duncan and Representative George Miller, and the concluding session on closing the achievement gap as today’s biggest civil rights issue. (Hint: one of the answers is given away below.) More videos from the breakout sessions and our related Community of Practice event will be coming soon, along with a full summary report of this year’s event. Also coming soon: podcasts!

NewSchools Summit 2010: Welcome and Opening Remarks Part 5 from NewSchools on Vimeo.